Eastern Africa Collaboration on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (EACOR) is a non-governmental organization registered in Kenya in 2008 to address issues from a rights based perspective to challenge systemic issues that perpetuate abuse of human rights, shrinks the democratic space for meaningful civic engagement, and institutions that discriminate and excludes the most vulnerable groups.

EACOR works with its member organizations to address issues from a rights based perspective to challenge systemic issues that perpetuate abuse of human rights, shrinks the democratic space for meaningful civic engagement, and institutions that discriminate and excludes the most vulnerable groups.

EACOR focuses its work on promotion of realization of human rights in Eastern Africa with specific reference to Economic, Social and Cultural rights commonly referred to as ECOSOC rights or ESCs. Our work in Eastern Africa is premised on a two-pronged approach. On the one hand to empower rights holders to demand for their basic human rights including access to affordable healthcare, clean water and sanitation, education, food security as well as social security. On the other hand to advocate duty bearers to fulfill their mandate of delivering services to the rights holders, ensure good governance and proper use of resources, address policy gaps that derail provision of services as well as ensure policy implementation to the rights holders and encourage inclusion in resource allocation and opportunities.

EACOR believes in a world with an equilibrium that enables everyone to achieve their potential. This can only be achieved when there is, respect for fundamental freedoms and rights, peaceful coexistence and equal opportunities for all. Absence of peace portents conflict, which perpetuates abuse of human rights in all its forms. Peace building, conflict resolution and reconciliation are therefore important factors for our work. In this new strategy, EACOR has extended its work to address some of the threats we face by the constant climate changes. The droughts and floods that are experienced in Eastern Africa countries threaten food security as a basic right. EACOR has therefore decided to include collaborative advocacy on climate change as an important aspect of its work.